fort lewis, washington barracks

My Dad was 1Sgt Boyd Willams. Bravo 3-1 Drill Sgt White. ldr-Capt. Thank you. He was my drill sergeant in boot camp in 1970 and looking for some information for a Little Help from the Army which I've never had, D-2-7. JB Lewis-McChord, WA 984331672 United States. Froze my ass off, thought I would get the dreaded SM and die. There was a guy from Atlanta, TX named Donny Simmons. Upon graduation was sent to Ft Sam Houston Texas in San Antonio. During the summer months (June, July, August), JBLM North hosts the Leader Development and Assessment Course, a capstone program for the U.S. Army's ROTC program. Fort Lewis, named after Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, was one of the largest and most modern military reservations in the United States . Hey Dan. Army helicopters were also used to insert search-and-rescue [SAR] teams into inaccessible areas on the east, north, and west sides of the mountain, lowering rangers to the ground by a cable device known as a "jungle penetrator". I am looking to see if anyone has any photos. So they let me go home for his funeral. Fort lewis, WA 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel We are one of 12 new joint bases created by the 2005 Base Realignment and Closing . I was not a serious collector of army stuff but have some items and pictures to remind me. Basic and AIT at Ft Lewis March 1970 to late July. I think the 1SG was a SGT E-8 Jenkins, a good solid man. Cant recall names of other NCOS but he made a real impression on me. Who thought he was going to run us into the ground the first day but when 7 of us stayed with him stride for stride he got miffed. The high point of BCT. This was actually written on the envelope as his return address at Ft. Lewis during Basic. Had basic in 1970 Ft. Lewis wanted to know if there are any pictures of the old barracks they where a single floor building I swear all the boot polish held them together. The Drill sargent was a puertorican. And corporal Redman train for DI school. Sherman was a DS when I was there at the same time. . Soldiers demonstrating artillery techniques in front of chapel and barracks, Fort Lewis, 1941. I wasn't used to boots, so both ankles swelled up due to tendonitis. Was he a squad leader? Dispensary 7 North Fort served BCT and AIT. His Charlie Company comrades knew him as Hoss. June to September. We were assingned to guard duty at the stockade. I did basic and 11B ft lewis. Joint Base Lewis McChord. In 1987 the North Fort was just the same as in 1971you could almost hear the cadence of marching troops ghostly down the streets. Although July and August are the driest months. Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington 98433 United States +1 (253) 967-3728. I was there exact same time.. trying to find photos or yearbook, if you know of any? It would be nicevto hear from anyone that remembered my Dad. Fort Lewis, Part 2: 1927-2010 - Stayed at ft Lewis for 2 yrs. Grew up hunting in Brown bear country and fished commercially and was made a squad leader in D-4-1, Drill Sergeant Dye, black man from Florida, E-6 from 1st Air Cav. Helicopters began assisting with high altitude (above 10,000 feet) SAR operations in the 1980s. B Company View Full Report Aliases: Rachel Evelyn Ayers, Rachel Evelyn Rasmussen. Hill, Christian, and Adam Ashton, "Is Lewis-McChord A 'Troubled Base'? I was in D-2-2. Task Force Olympia's subordinate units included the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, which deployed for Iraq on 8 November 2003, and returned to Fort Lewis after one year of combat duty, and the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, which departed Fort Lewis on 15 September 2004, for one year and returned September 2005. In Sept of 68 I was transfered to the 296 guard company. At some point in all of that, he was promoted to sergeant While at Lewis I develop a respiratory infection that August and spent two days at Madigan. About a decade ago i drove through the post. [11], The census-designated place (CDP) Fort Lewis is located within the installation's area. I was in E-1-1. Depression Thanks , I was flown to We had nick names, mine was "Chaplain". Julie Titone E-1-1 Hard to remember after 51 years. Males had a median income of $20,878 versus $20,086 for females. A-2-1, Johnny Baugh drill instructor. Basic at Lewis Nov 69-Jan70. Thank you for your time. Memorial Day Drill SSG Burton was something else..! Learn a lot from him, not just Army stuff but how to succeed in life. Would sleep on top of bunk in the WW -2 -Korea heavy wool pants and shirt. Since its opening in 1944 as a temporary hospital for war wounded, Madigan has grown into a tertiary care . Fort Lewis barracks: History in the un-making. I carried toilet paper in my pockets during training. He won an award the training cycle before mine, outstanding drill instructor at Ft. Lewis, and he was going for two in a row when we arrived. 50 of us spent 10 days at the reception station at Ft. Ord. All these statistics were typical for military bases. In 90 days, Stone had supervised the construction of a "city" of 757 buildings and 422 other structures, all lighted and heated for 60,000 men. AIT following (Infantry) there in Fort Lewis. Lol. A portion of the initial land was taken from the Nisqually tribe's reservation. Enjoyed the time up there and had a great group of guys, especially with us being all from Hawaii. You were in the reserves, from Albert Lea MN. Fort Lewis was a United States Army post from 1917 to 2010 located 9.1 miles (14.6 km) south-southwest of Tacoma, Washington. A-4-2 Basic Training Aug-Oct 1970. The next morning several of us were told we were in the wrong company and got transferred to B-2-3. We had a couple guys who should have never been in the military could barely tie their boots. His assistant DS was a short guy who always looked like he was about to tell a joke. He was right behind me when we got shots. 3810. Later levied twice for VN but both levies rescinded. . Washington is one of five states (along with Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri and New Mexico) that do not comply with this law. Brigadier General David L. Stone, who had supervised the original construction of Fort Lewis as a captain, returned as its commanding general in 1936, serving until 1937. It also impacts people who need visitor passes for unescorted base access to visit friends, family, the museums, hospital or other locations on either JBLM or YTC. B-5-2 April-May 1968. You need a sponsor to get thru the gate. Physicians and surgeons. I was in Ft Lewis from March 1970 until May 1970 in B-3-2. There is only one recruit's name I remember; Alosisus (sp?) If I were googling the area of the old barracks for basic training or the streets where would I look..I remember towards the end of our Basic Mar 68 we all marched down to the theater and got to see the move The Sand Pebbles, looks like I found my old barracks..6A 6036-01..found this # on my old army records, am I reading it right I would have been in A Block building 6036..A Co 5th BN 1st BDE May 1968. That Sixth Army patch probably came from Fort Lewis. Vicksburg, as well as photographs . No doctor. 564th Quartermaster Company 18th Street . Force marches in rubber boots. Living in Fort Lewis WA (2022) | The ULTIMATE Moving to Fort Lewis Guide Was in May 69 to Sept 69 in A-3-2 Drill Sgt. He was tough but fair and an awesome teacher. if you want me to take a look at your photo please email it to me and I will certainly take a good look. Sherman Alexie Big sign on the corner it says (Who Dares Wins). I did keep our original A31 Basic Training Platoon photo, if anyone would like a copy please contact me and I will make sure you receive a nice fresh copy NO Cost I have NOT heard from anyone I may have been with although my unit in Vietnam began having reunions every year back in 2006' and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to have been reunited with many of those great men. It was sad to see the half dozen or so guys that simply packed up their duffel bags and went across the parade field to 11B and 11C AIT. Had a DI from Germany and his accent stuck with me for years. August 2013 Jones, Gietson, and Magee. From May 1966 to June 1972, Fort Lewis trained . The landscape is very rocky from glacial meltwater deposits. After Basic I took my AIT at Fort Ord and then was sent to Korea. Bob Robbins [1], Joint Base Lewis-McChord is a major Army base, with much of the 2nd Infantry Division in residence, along with Headquarters, 7th Infantry Division; 593rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command; and 1st Special Forces Group. Dong Tam, May 1969 to MACV Tm 75, 7th ARVN Div Recon Co., flew home Thanksgiving Day 1969. Basic training June '68 - Aug. '68. I remember the big guy by the name of Spicer. Remember the winter of 69,was supposed to do BCT at ft. BLISS TX. Tall Black guy, E-5, buck sergeant. JBLM Fort-Lewis McChord WA - on-site - Glassdoor I still have fatigues in a box in my garage which were washed and starched heavily at Ft Sam Houston in 1970; still stiff. Really had a lot of respect for that guy. Fort Lewis proper contains 86,000 acres (134sqmi; 350km2); the Yakima Training Center covers 324,000 acres (506sqmi; 1,310km2). Jeffrey Fellin Names I remember, David Smith from Lewiston, Idaho and I remember getting my ass kicked by another trainie from Tx. Fort Lewis (Joint Base Lewis-McChord) Official Website. William I may have been there at the same time I was in the 1st platoon 2nd squad leader our drill instructor said was American Indian he was a tuff SOB and a silver star recipient I wish I remembered his name. John Titone Drill Sgt. He ended up going into Bomb Disposal warfare. Senior Cloud & Systems Integrator- Network in Fort Lewis, Washington I think we were all borderline pneumonia cases. I was in D22, which may have been very close to you. Late 69 Fort Lewis B-3-1 Duane Phillips and he reminded my of John Wayne in the Sands of Iwo Jima. Still looking for guys in D 1 1 april 1969 to June. Store Hours: Mon- Sun 0900-2130. October 2014 He was a no non-sense instructor, no cursing, totally respectful, to the point, and based on his Viet-Nam service medals he did a couple of tours in that place. Sgt Shields, do you remember what shots they gave us with the "guns" and when we did gas mask training did they use real mustard gas? Contact me at The whole platoon was made up of draftee's from Arizona except for 3 of us. Belated thanks for sharing your memory, Evan. The C-5 aircraft mock up by the ranges is still there as are the ranges. Other partners who work closely with the Joint Base Garrison include the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, the Mission, and Installation Contracting Command, and Joint Personal Property Shipping Office. When I was in Vietnam, we were on a hill for a few months. Thru Port Angeles and stopped at Lake Crescent. I was in 3rd platoon B-5-1 13th basic cycle the name Swanson does sound familiar I have a picture of the platoon with our DI I'll have to check it out and see if I can read the name on his field jacket. Ambush Went to Vietnam after that. Julie Titone is co-author of the Grady Myers memoir "Boocoo Dinky Dow: My short, crazy Vietnam War." . Drill SGT BEAN bunch of us from Sacramento and San Francisco. Fort Lewis - Fort Lewis, WA (Address and Phone) - County Office Terrible weather, too many trips in low crawl pit. I definitely recommend going to see that beautiful place. Sometime in the early 1960s Interstate 5 was built through the fort separating the northwest corner of the fort, and creating "Northfort". Was at N. Fort Lewis from April 17 to July in D -1-1 all from California. The sites are McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis, both located just south of Tacoma. IHG Army Hotels Buildings 423 & 600s Hotel by IHG Jane Cherney Arrived a Ft Lewis 30 Nov 1970. Was drafted April 17 1969, basic training at fort Lewis D 1 1, California Mod Squad. It had a mural of a severed VC head on a bayonet with slogan on it: To kill and have no mercy. Did 3 years, wanted to do 20 but my family came first so did great anyway. Podcast Basic was hard and they kept you scared and on your toes all the time. Most of us were from Utah. Wallace. Zimmerman was a squad leader. Our Senior Drill Sergeant was SFC Jones. Hi Travis, I was in Basic Training and AIT up at Fort Lewis from Feb 18th, 1969 thru July 1969 My MOS was 11B which was the Infantry and yes I went right to Vietnam in July 69 I remember a guy with the last name Hollingsworth. Grady was an M-60 machine gunner in The U.S. Army's Company Cs 2nd Platoon, 1st Battalion, 8th Regiment, 4th Infantry Division in late 1968 and early 1969. Google Earth road view shows them standing, but the aerial view shows they are gone. You can also find other Military Bases on MapQuest I am from Sacramento CA give me a call or email me ron. AKA Hodge Philadelphia.7/9/1969 Basic training at Fort Bragg NC. Then to Wertheim, Germany where I became the battery clerk. But I did lose four high school buddies. We stayed in these barracks for two weeks during "Induction". They landed on the moon during basic training. One day during a forced march, it rained, hailed, snowed, then the sun came out, and it rained again. I was in Inf AIT and saw Drill Sgt Gietsen yelling at some basic trainees doing pushups. Nearby government services. We got a view of Mt. It was awful. Fagan was an acting E-5 and a dick. November 2015 Drill Sgt Dennison / Captain J.E. The obstacle course by it is gone. 360-688-4073. Any chance you knew him? Everybody had to have there picture taken with that in it! Even though we didnt remember where they were, we found them easily just because we marched those streets. Thank God. Many other episodes made it hard to respect the military, but relieved to know after basic that C-3-1 was an exception. We had a brand new 2nd LT (LT French), all of 18 years old, who insisted on calling us "son". Decypher is seeking Medical Laboratory Technician candidates to provide support to the Joint Base Fort Lewis-McChord, Tacoma, WA. 1970 February 9 to April 3 C42 anyone know me? Phone: (253) 967-1110. Send me your contact info to my email address. We provide our services globally to Federal, Commercial, Local and State clients. Fort Lewis Barracks. was Sgt. I needed a copy of my DD-214 not long ago. You are so right Lon. Foreign passport with a current arrival-departure record or foreign passport with INS Form I-94/I- 94A bearing the same names as the passport and containing an endorsement of the aliens nonimmigrant status, if that status authorizes the alien to work for an employer Thanks in advance, Jamie 385-222-6588. In his only appearance, he allowed that we "looked like a bunch of blind dogs in a meat factory". I was at Fort Lewis Basic Training Feb 1969' and AIT until June 1969' got married here in Sacramento then on to Vietnam Americal Div 11th LIB Duc Pho I Corp you were a year earlier so i probably could not offer much for that year. The uncomfortable thing was that about 4 months before I arrived some one got beat bad by two people and had the M-16 stolen. Ericka, not sure your dad and I were there together you did not have any dates. Troy this is very sad, have you never found your bunk mate ?? Guest Readers God only knows where they ended up but they had AIT of 11Bravo. Cpl Bluitt was our Platoon DI. Canada Thistle grows thickly in some areas. I was lucky to go through BCT during the summer months when the weather was perfect. Where was he from ?? A lot of Reservists in the unit especially from Ohio. Army decided that they would let me stay in Hawaii at the reserve center, so I didn't get back to Ft Lewis to join back up with the company. I went to Ft Ord CA and ended up as an OJT paper pusher. Lol. His name was Sanford Rogers. I do remember the cold rain and snow. This is good information about fort Lewis. Me too Tom. Prody, Doug (Peterson??) You are not exaggerating about the weather. Doug, I was there at the same time you were. Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. B-5-2 was my organization. View map of Fort Lewis, and get driving directions from your location. So long ago much is lost in time. Fort Lewis (Washington) - Wikipedia Had to keep the clip in a holder on your belt under your coat. 1971 B-2-2. I believe we were Delanos 1st class of trainees. I sauntered in and hid my loot on top of the ventilation ducting over the toilets. Getting recruits ready for Viet Nam. Ah Bernard: The weather was perfect that year; little rain, cool in the morning but never hot and no bugs. A-3-1 4 May 70 - 2 July 70 Practiced every evening with the other 4 Companies that made up the Battalion for Graduation Parade. As soon as we transferred to the newer, 3-story buildings for BT, the IG inspection came there and it was cleaning time again. Madigan Army Medical Center is one of only 21 surgical simulation centers in the U.S. to achieve a Level One status, the highest for surgical education excellence. I did my basic training at Ft. Lewis in November 1970 and graduated in January 1971. I would like to find the group pictures of B-3-2 group during that time. There were 36 of us housed in these barracks and i can say openly that there had been no form of renovation since the 60's. Encompassing more than 320,000 acres (500sqmi; 1,300km2), YTC is a world-class facility. I was still only 17 so I wasnt sent to Vietnam. I was there in B-1-1 June thru Labor Day 1969. Tom Williams Came home and served 6 years and discharged Jan 1976. Fort Lewis, named after Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, was one of the largest and most modern . I was there March 13 through May 1970. I had authority over kitchen staff. A-2-3 Jan - Mar 1969. But it didnt stop are training. Coming up on 50 years ago (March, 72) that I was discharged from Army.