german playground dangerous

He always worries when his children are in the playground. We are so pleased to share this informative two-part article about the history of play, written by Naomi Heller. To be fair, playgrounds changed because of a lawsuit in the early 70s. But I survived. Two German designers, Claudio Rimmele and Martin Binder, have invented a design for a playground that is safe for children during the coronavirus pandemic. German translation of ' playground' - Collins Dictionary I remember playing on a 60s era rocket slide back then too. Material on this site is provided for education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. They often say with a smile, I dont know how we survived. The heights. What's the odd broken bone? The deliberately DANGEROUS German The burning slides. From my elementary school, which just closed. If the swingers managed to all work together, it was probably a lot of funbut there's no doubt a fair amount of collisions were happening, whether on purpose or from lack of coordination. The kids are having a great time but if that boy keeps going, he might go right over the top. The playground which consists of large bluestone climbable boulders, a metal slide, and a drinking fountain, all situated on platforms with wheels opened today on the corner of Southbank Boulevard and Kavanagh Street in Southbank. 3.3.2023 5:45 PM, Jacob Sullum They're well-made but innovative. Interactive map reveals when you may see SNOW. Insurer Zurich Municipal in 2019 withdrew its cover from several of Britain's adventure play parks, blaming the move on an increase in the number and cost of claims arising from play-related accidents. Fast forward to the Bronx in the 40s, and we see what it looks like to get about 100 kids on a jungle gym. About half had some kind of spinner. Posted 6 Jan 2020 Sorry lady, just because it didnt happen to you, or in front of you, doesnt mean it didnt happen fairly regularly to others. The object should not be affected by this motion at all." Dantonio, who was featured on last month's Syfy Channel documentary, " Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed ," told The Huffington Post in an email that the triangular object in this Germany video should appear to move smoothly through the sky. These dangerous playgrounds turn kids into fearless adventure seekers Each year, about 200,000 children end up with playground injuries serious enough to land them in the emergency room. Thank you for the pictures. Arms on top of the wheel, held in place by two clevises, project two feet beyond the rim. Find out more here. Havent seen one of them for decades. Nancy Price, founder/owner/editor/writer/creator Heres the wading pool at the playground above with chains through the middle. The undulating and wavelike motion of this playground attraction gleefully brought seasickness ashore. That doesnt make it a good parenting strategy. The 10 Playground Hazards Most Dangerous to Kids But its cool to hear about these sort of things every now and then because Im really curious of what it was like to use those playgrounds. Below, take a look back at the fun and games that children got up to during the 20th century in the unsafe playground days long before plastic slides, rubber mats and safety rails (not to mention government guidelines and personal injury lawsuits) were commonplace. Lawyers and regulators have all but killed the traditional Jungle Gym, a piece of playground equipment that was tall and unforgiving of mistakes. While the splinters would disappear thanks to a shift from wood to metal and plastic, in 1995, McDonalds was forced to finance a $5 million dollar child-safety campaign after the Consumer Products Safety Commission deemed the rides responsible for 104 childrens injuries in the 80s. Water play. This was a fun read. It was so high that it smelled musty up there! On the girls playground, Harriet Island, St. Paul, Minnesota, the girls had to swing high. So because YOU played on this equipment and were just fine, EVERYONE who played on it walked away uninjured? Since this site is all about Americana, it seems fair enough to reflect the history and perspectives of Americans, does it not? This piece of old playground equipment was called a Rocking Boat. We really hope it never capsized. They replaced it with a tiny, useless version of itself. Would that work on the plastic slide to make it slicker? Swings are responsible for the most injuries on home playgrounds, while climbing apparatus is the most dangerous equipment on public playgrounds. Emma Camp (With chains that long, can you imagine how much lift you could get on this one?). When the ride really got going, swirling and zipping from side to side, kids frequently fell off or smashed their legs on the center pole. The whole thing was maybe six feet at the tallest point. Meanwhile, aresearch team based in Houston, Texas, conducted a study over a five year period to determine which kind of play park was most likely to be the location of serious injuries to kids. Interestingly, I find it somewhat ironic that many people I talk with who are avid Darwinists are also staunchly against any type of playground equipment that could possibly injure a child in any way whatsoever. Even with a soft landing in four feet of water, calling this monument to mirth a safety swing might be a bit of a stretch. Or, as a German insurance exec might put it, a risk-ignorance breeding ground. 10 Pieces of Playground Equipment that Nearly Killed - Mental Floss The thousands of people who didnt survive the playgrounds of yesteryear, though, arent here to remind us how good we really do have it here in the 21st century. A few of the violent youngsters shown in the included video clips appear to be ethnic Europeans. The playground equipment taught us to be more thoughtful and to think at least one step ahead. An intellectual tradition of thinking seriously about play, and versatile gaps in urban landscapes after the second world war mean Germany has a history of experimental play areas: many cities have junk playgrounds, such as Berlins Kolle 37, where children can build their own structures and parents are allowed to enter only one day a week. As late as the 1990s, kids could climb a 30-foot metal slide and really get some speed, not to mention some burns as they sped along that sun-roasted metal [PDF]. Theres a version of this photo going around the internet, tagged with the suggestion that the kid on the far left is falling but hes not. That's only because all of the merry-go-rounds, and see-saws, and monkey bars have already been uprooted. In the spiderweb inside the structure, the maximum fall height is 1.8 metres. Lenore Skenazy Im 73 years old and recognize some of these, although many are from my grandparents time. Sure, the ground was just dirt, but that was probably safer than concrete. I had 5 big brothers so I am sure I flew plenty!! Parents can try to keep up with their young mountaineers as they ascend through the rope spiderweb, but they might get left behind in the tightly woven mesh. We can see no danger whatsoever from this kind of contraption. "This is fantastic progress in understanding childhood as the right time for children to learn to recognize and mitigate risk," says Gever Tulley. General Playground Equipments Fire Chief Pyramid-Type Climbing Structure was from the pre-lawsuit heyday and considered a top-of-the-line attraction in 1940. The next week, that piece of play equipment was replaced. Slectionner une page. However, the dividing line between Abenteuerspielpltze (adventure playgrounds) and traditional play zones is increasingly disappearing. The TV also trains its own playground inspectors, who are taught to not always apply regulations literally but to carry out flexible risk assessments. Triangle UFO Above Germany Leaves Questions In Its Wake (VIDEO) - HuffPost Well done, and very interesting to read. If Isaac Newton had been around to do some quick gravitational calculations, he would have discovered kids falling from the top would be doing about 20 mph by the time they hit the pavement below. 'We are seeing children getting towards the end of their primary school years without having had enough opportunities to develop their ability to assess and manage risk independently. Additionally, it is imperative to have a small first aid kit on hand to treat common injuries . We also learned all about physics while having fun on those playgrounds: inertia, momentum, potential energy, centrifugal force, the effect of gravity on a free body, what happens when two objects collide, the principal that a moving body will tend to continue in a straight line unless some force acts on it, and just how much sand on a hot slippery slide will allow you to go the fastest, etc. There are many types of critters to watch out for on playgrounds, such as bees, German cockroaches, snakes, and other pests. Since 1989, this Prenzlauer Berg play area has facilitated free play and innovation in amazing ways. Privacy Policy | Id love to see the 50s-70s offerings, too. This article should be about the history of the playground, not your own opinion of how dangerous you think they were. Perhaps out of fear of just that kind of thing, one school districtRichland, Washington just plain got rid of its swings, arguing that "swings have been determined to be the most unsafe of all the playground equipment.". Almost every town or city park had swings, teeter totters, a jungle gym, monkey bars, horizontal bars (for the girls to do knee spins on), one or two or more steel slippery slides (what we called them) (and yes, they did get hot!). This one was new to us which means it was either incredibly unpopular, or created so many injuries that it was made to disappear. What's the odd broken bone? The deliberately DANGEROUS German - YouTube Playscapes' friend Lianne sent through this climbing thicket in Munich German as a follow-on to the Florian Aigner post; she says it is at the intersection of Untersbergstrae & Weienseestrae in Munich. Required fields are marked *. The Most Dangerous Playground Equipment Rated for Doom Written by OwnPlayground Team Playgrounds can be excellent, but can also lead to some serious injuries if not appropriately monitored. Defined in addition to minimum requirements for rails and barriers were maximum fall heights and the form of impact attenuation material required under equipment. Water play equipment from Richter Spielgerte GmbH| Richter Spielgerte You will always want to look for the equipment listed above when visiting a new play area and avoid these areas, especially with younger children A trio of boys tramps along the length of a wooden fence, back and forth, shouting like carnival barkers. Since the. Kids should know to: Never push or roughhouse while on jungle gyms, slides, seesaws, swings, and other equipment. They made kids tough and coordinated and even 10 year Olds knew better than to go down a metal slide when it was 80 outside and in the sun.