I cannot speak for what may have happened in America and it is true that we Irish dont suffer from racism in this day and age. Slavery in any format is wrong. Like, Im confused. We highlight the most inspiring experiences Ireland has to offer. As far as Slavery in jail(BS) They can do their time sitting in their cells doing nothing or they can work to earn money for the commissary or to help pay money they owe to the people or places on which they committed their crimes. Irish surnames stand out like a sore thumb. For decades Black people were not allowed to own property in the affluent areas and could only own property in poorer areas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_people#Black_Irish Had you read the history on it you know this but even without a history lesson you shouldve been able to logically reason this out abecause in order for us to have their last names it would HAVE TO MEAN THAT THEY WERENT SLAVES AT THE TIME because slaves arent allowed to have their name live on only free people did There is a new drive by whites all over Europe and the UK, stating that they are the real Jews or lost tribes. Im other words,. Why do some black people have Irish last names? - Quora You should be ashamed of yourself and I suspect that this is a troll site rather than a site ran by a person of African descent. This article is merely an attempt to connect whites to Deuteronomy within the KJV Bible. African slaves were very expensive, slave trade controlled by Spain/Portugal/Netherlands, all enemies of Cromwell so he created another supply line. People dont make it to age 40 there. Bullshidt!!!! An indentured servant is not a slave. Truth is, there was and is a huge ethnic and national diversity in Africa, and between those groups some had conquered others. None of this was forced, as that would have hurt productivity, rather than helped, and the incentive of a female slave having reduced work during pregnancy encouragement enough. Slavery was not born purely out of racism; racism was a later byproduct or justification for slavery. Perhaps this is were we can find common ground and open the conversation of race relations. So, no, Irish did not get to keep their names, they got to keep their anglicized names, just like African slaves. "How Blacks have Irish Last Names" - Tribeca Chronicles Full history, EXPLAINED. The term 'Black Irish' gets thrown around from time to time. My theory contrary to the hypotheses here is America has made any skin color not light or white a lower lifeforms hence Irish are white Im I wrong. These include Gaelic Irish, Cambro-Norman, and Anglo-Irish last names. The term "Black Irish" has been in circulation among Irish emigrants and their descendants for centuries. The surname may be your first clue to mixed-blood heritage. They were dictators and if they felt it to their advantage theyd sell off members of their own tribe and simply call it their right as ruler. If Irish and blacks suffer slavery together, why is it only the blacks that lost their surnames and the Irish somehow retained their surnames and a knowledge of who they were [IRISH]?!? There is much debate over the original meaning of the term black Irish. English journalist, author, and broadcaster Caitlin Moran is one of the most famous people called Moran. He said a freed man works for no man. Only a few blacks were able to do this. 8 years now however somethings were very apolling, sad, disgusted me.shamed me. Spreading these values will end modern slavery, and help us make the entire history of slavery a thing of the past. If a slave owner named Washington or Jefferson bred an Irish slave with an enslaved African, why would he give the surname of the Irish slave to the offspring? As most of the slave owners were of Anglo-Celtic descent, these are the names that the African-Americans were saddled with. Famous Brennans include conedian Neal Brennan and actor Walter Brennan. Smith is one of the most common surnames across the world with well known Smiths such as actor Will Smith, actress Maggie Smith, and singer-songwriter Patti Smith all having the popular Irish surname. In Gaelic, the Irish native language, the word for black (or dark) is dubh, and foreigner is gall. In response to the comment that the Irish did not lose their culture, language etc is inaccurate. [] Source: How Blacks have Irish Last Names []. The Snow Hawk, burthen 140 tons, with her apparel boats, *apprentices*, etc., will be sold by publick auction on Monday next, at twelve oclock in the morning at the Market House in Belfast.. Ireland Before You Die is supported by its audience. I wonder if the Irish will be told to get over it already the same way African Americans and Canadians are told. Very few are disputing that the British were horrific to the Irish, and to some extent, the Scottish as well. The byword African-American was just adopted by our ppl in the 1980s due to the counsel of our so-called black leaders a Jesse Jackson. My great great great great grandfathers name is the same as mine. http://library.law.umn.edu/irishlaw/subjectlist.html, And this documentary shows the conditions of life for Irish catholics during that time. The Mac prefix translates to the son of and is commonly seen in Irish surnames, as well as Scottish. If you dont think so then sign over your person to an employer for a while and tell me if that feels like service. This is further evidence that despite the evil of Irish slavery, Irish slaves were strangely still seen as human. Also Indians are not Asians either. It was not until the late 18th century that physical traits alone was being shopped around as an identifier of race, and much later till that idea would even flirt with the consciousness of the mainstream. While plantation owners certainly did rape and father children by enslaved women, many were absentee owners who only visited their plantations seversl times a year, this is especially true in the Caribbean. You all talking rubbish, Under 800 years of English rule millions of irish died at the hand of the British. It is claimed that the Spanish married into Irish society and created a new class of Irish who were immediately recognizable by their dark hair and complexion. Indeed, they legitimately had reasons for their grievances too. Does anyone have any further information regarding my family name? If it were slavery, as the Africans suffered, it would have been called slavery. I added the Facebook icon to my blog so you can share the link. Children sent north. Black Name Meaning English and Scottish: chiefly from Middle English blak (e) 'black' (Old English blc blaca) a nickname given from the earliest times to a swarthy or dark-haired man. There WERE absentee Irish SLAVEOWNERS. They could be biological descendants of an Irish or Scottish family. Collins Irish spelling: Coilein Thank you for sharing the madness and anger that lives within my Irish family. In Gaelic, the Irish native language, the word for black (or dark) is 'dubh', and foreigner is 'gall'. Stop with this damn lie. Then, for many of the worlds most powerful and influential nations of the time, this is where slavery was put to an end. Walsh Irish spelling: Breathnach Meaning: Welshman. A third article By calling yourself black you are giving your power away. It was written in the year 916 A.D. that the lord of Aidhne, Tigherneach Ua Cleirigh, died in County Galway. So I picked up those big fat ugly crayons .. Please do your own research to find out about white slavery in the Americas. Television host Dermot OLeary is one of the most famous bearers of the name. Notable Hughes include American business magnate Howard Hughes, and poet and activist Langston Hughes. (And, yes, it is a fact that that term, indentured servitude, was mostly just used as a polite term for *slightly* less brutal slavery from which there was actually hope of escape.). Both explanations for why blacks have Irish last names are only partially true. They fought their fellow Irishmen in the Confederate army who had similiar motivations. Interesting. 5,377 families had this name and they were mainly based in County Cork, Kerry, and neighbouring counties. As a South African, I know slavery was never just of the African people. Endentured servitude is not some made up concept, as this article implies, it was a legal term with legal and Biblical limitations. Prisoners whether for rebellion or minor offenses ended up in service. Youll find that most often the enslaved are identified by age and gender only. However, let me respond. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was subject to a number of influxes of foreign people. What is White? Maybe blacks were named because they didnt speak english! There is little evidence to support this theory and it is unlikely that any significant number of Spanish soldiers would have survived long in the war-torn place that was 16th century Ireland. No, they liked they Irish accents so much that they took on the names out of respect. Not Wikipedia, or self proclaimed historians with B.S. Anyway, this was a great read. Namaste. I always thought that the Jamaican dialect sounded like a version of an Irish dialect. This answers a hell of a lot for me. Australian model and actor Julian MacMahon is one of the most famous MacMahons. Indentured servitude was a colonial innovation that enabled many to emigrate to the New World while providing a cheap and white labour force for planters and merchants to exploit. Today some 6.7 million people live on the Emerald Isle. The Irish landowners where Protestant and therefore considered British. As I said an Irish female slave mating with an African slave could not transfer his last name because it was the name of a white owner, if an Irish male slave mated with an African slave she would not get his slave name, it would be the property of the white owner, riddle us this??? Enter the time of the Irish Famine or genocide. How dare you compare 100,000 indentured servants and criminals to the kidnapping of 12.5 million people? That is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. With this, Irish people and families began to associate with the collective surname of O'Dubhghaill. O'Reilly 12. I was crying, but I wouldnt changed the colors of how I seen Jesus. Today black people are assimilated into western culture, et slavery hasnt ended. Should we question if being enslaved was not as horrific for those who were lighter skinned because the may not have has as harsh living conditions? Is Hare an Irish name? Learn more. It became a first name in the nineteenth century, and was used in Ireland to anglicise Duald, Dubhdaleithe (black man of the two sides), and Dubhdara. Copyright 2019 - 2023 Ireland Before You Die | Trading under, TOP 100 Irish surnames / last names (info & facts). So, f**ck the traitorous bastards. Did you have some knowledge of your name already? Kerry Meaning: "black-haired" "dark-haired" "dark-haired clan" Variations: Keri, Kerri, Kari, Carrie, Cerise, Cherise, Cherri, Cherry This is not about which was treated worse, seems like a game your all going on about, This is about the systematic destruction of nations by the British in these times, i hear noone talking about how ruteless and horrific the British were, they make the Nazis look like Saints. African to African forced breeding was not even a thing, much less from another race. American soccer player Brian Mullan is one of the most famous people with the surname Mullan. However, it is likely that they never lost their status as dark invaders or black foreigners. From its love for traditional art forms, including Irish dancing and trad music, its affinity for a creamy pint of Guinness, or its endless stream of iconic artists, including Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker, Ireland is a small country with a big personality. Notable Cunninghams include American professional basketball player Dante Cunningham and football quarterback Randall Cunningham. I think you should be careful in your condemnation of what you apparently arent aware of, Gaelic Catholic culture of Ireland was subjected to English Protestant Supremacy, and Penal Laws imposed by the English Parliamentarian Cromwell in his brutal conquest of Ireland saw to it that the Gaelic Catholic culture be prohibited. I never heard of Irish chattel slavery until the last few years. Although my name has awarded me a lot of great opportunities because it looks great on paper; Im a 60 tall African American from GEORGIA .I HAD TO KNOW!!!!!!! (To the author- great article, well expressed. Is what happend to the Irish also a fulfillment of prophecy? And the traditional double-standard was upheld even there, because as long as it was circumspect and everyone turned a blind eye, it was still common, un-punished behavior for White males to rape or copulate with African females, but a blasphemous abomination for a white woman to voluntarily have relations with an African man, and could result in death for both. the Germans claimed that no Jews were being murdered but they were lying too. The name Doyle is in Irish "O'Dubhghaill" which literally means "dark foreigner" which reveals their heritage as an invading force with dark intentions. Another was the prevailing feeling among the Southern States that they were not being representing and that their votes didnt count. Rihanna was also bullied for her lighter skin. If they committed a crime that warranted jail time, they deserved the sentence. Im curious. It seems more likely that "Black Irish" is a descriptive term rather than an inherited characteristic that has been applied to various categories of Irish people over the centuries. Unless you dont feel theres any systematic oppression, which if you take some time studying the oppression of Catholics in Ireland youd understand. And to recognise that slowly humanity is discovering the idea of liberty, equality, human rights. Follow the links below to find out more about Irish last names. Black History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms - HouseOfNames It is also fascinating to see that American society changed its caste system from strictly class based to skin based in just a couple of centuries. Read up on the potato famine. Compare Blatch and Blick . So what is it that makes all so called White skinned folks exactly like one another? the Irish along with other white Europeans were considered Indentured ServantsIndentured Servants were those people who owed money..or inherited family debts..and could work off the debts..some of these people were brought over to do just that..after they earned their way out of debt they were free from obligationfurthermore their day to day lives while being indentured were less stringent than that of the African slave.this articles conflates the status of slave and indentured servant as being similar when they were absolutely notindentured servants actually had rights..yes they were treated miserably..but their status was far higher than that of a black man or womanfurthermore the statement that there were no Irish slave owners in the Americas is absolutely inaccurateso to infer that every black person with an Irish last name is the result of the mixing of these indenture servants who lovingly gave their last names to offspring is simply off baseand perpetuates serious misinformation. Ill make no apologies for White supremacy. Although, I recognize that the facts of this article are in dispute, with regard to the treatment of the Irish by the British Empire, knowing what I do about history, it is not entirely unlikely that much of this is true. So they forgot where there came from, slavery and became slavers or helped them. Find out the meaning behind your Irish surname - Part I Yet, as a subject of historical discussion, it is almost never referred to in Ireland. They always had a love-hate relationship with blacks and were quick to terrorize backs to prove their whitness. Dingle is English but common in Ireland. Not really. This historical issue is clearly more complicated than most people give it credit for being. The latter he did not. It does not, however, change the fact that the *numbers* of Irish taken and sold into indenturehood or outright slavery in this article are not born out by any factual evidence. Adam and Eves bloodline was where JESUS came through, if people only knew this all this hatred for each other skin color would not exist. The Normans another group to invade Ireland, Brand new luxury hotel opening in Cashel this spring, The most exciting new projects coming to Belfast in 2022, The 10 BIGGEST St. Patricks Day PARADES in the USA, Hell never get older Father Ted star Dermot Morgans son on 25, Three Belfast men set sights on rowing world records, New true-crime documentary exposes the many lies and lives of GPO girl, Country Clare hotel voted one of the most romantic in the world, Catch yourself on: Irish SLANG PHRASE meaning explained. Unlike Africans, Irish indentured servants could buy their way out of slavery. 3) even if they were 100,000 Irish slaves (which there were not) how dare you attempt to chastise us for talking about the African holocaust?