He gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to him and slowly slipped his hands under my shirt, feeling the soft skin of my belly . Whats going on baby girl, tell me, he whispered to your hair after pulling you to his lap. I post One Direction imagines, fics and preferences! It was one of many visits and one day Niall asks you to be his girlfriend. He puts his hand on top of yours letting you know that he did feel the same. You part your lips and feel his tongue slide over yours, and you like this feeling, the feeling of Louis heavy on top of you, the right weight to be comforting yet almost too much, and you smile into the kiss as it deepens. No matter how much Niall wanted it. You say yes and you two hug forever, but then Niall kisses you on the lips. Liam opens the door and they all head inside. He loved her so much already. Dirty Zayn imagine. Like weve always wanted!, Louis:I cant believe you! beauty and the beast live action. He loves the fact that omegas are able to create and bring life to the world, even as fucked up as it is. "I love you too." xx. Ni, you whispered, sitting next to him, stroking his hair. closes his eyes as he brings his lips to yours. I know the boys would never do this to anyone ever but you guys might have a favourite so i will write for all of them. "(Y/N), It's you turn. Well maybe I wasnt pregnant then, you screamed loudly, making your ears ring. Liam: "You guys are so formal." Your arms were wrapped around the pillow, trying to get comfort form it, but it wasnt him. Enjoy this cringe worthy read through of some of the most ridiculous one direction imagines I could find! ShesShes kicking? "Y/N! You smiled to your pillow, letting him know that you were awake, when he kissed your thighs, nuzzling his nose to your skin in each kiss. Is he still kicking? He yelled when he burst out the door, kneeling next to you, hands on your belly, eyes widen and excited. So much., Niall:You paced back and forth in the terminal, waiting boys flight to land so you could see Niall again. Throughout the first half hour, he nibbles your ear, and tickles you soft spot, and tugs at your shirt. Hes coming home, you whispered to your baby, hand brushing your, only a bit longer, flat belly. When you come home with Niall, Miranda is sitting on the couch with Harry. "That was the best porno I've ever seen." Maybe next time, he smiled, but you could see how the tears burned his throat. The walls are paper thin, so doing anything really fun is out of the question. Hi Y/N, Louis said, looking surprised, giving Harry confused eyes, making your heart drop. That was her? He asked, eyes wide when he stared at the bump, tears rolling down his cheeks, smile stretching his lips. But then again, as science fiction wri ter Theodore Sturgeon once said, when asked why so much science fiction was garbage, 90% of everything is crap. One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ) 68.9K 500 by 0hitsmyharold Zayn: You sighed, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable on your bed. Simple, "I love you." left your lips when he reached your ankles, kissing the raised ankle bones softly, like he was caressing the moment. Last time you laughed, the baby kicked, you said, pressing the play, letting the funny videos continue. #One Direction Imagines #One Direction Imagine #1D Imagines . Your heart is still broken and you want him back, you know that the only reason you're watching is just in case he would mention you . You wanted to give in, few days ago you would already gave in to the angel next to you, but now it was different. Pref. With the group's time in the spotlight for If you're familiar with One Direction, you'd know that they're one of the most po. His yell had cleared your mind in a heartbeat. He was still in his day clothes, skinny jeans making it almost impossible to move. I miss our baby too, he smiled, clearing his throat before talking again with his deep, meaningful voice, Can I talk to the baby? You smiled to yourself, thinking how his eyes lighted up every time he said baby. Zayn frowned, hugging you tightly, when you wiggled off his touch, leaving him to pout his pink, sweet lips, eyes still closed, covering the brown stars you loved. "Leave your sister alone!" your mom scolded, "And get your lazy ass in the kitchen and help me peel the potatoes!". posted by randomgirl3000. "I know you've worked really hard for this, but I'm going to miss you like mad." historical kisses, unforgettable night satelarry Summary: Harry has a thing for pregnancy. Only two weeks and Ill be there again, Liam:You smiled, looking at Liam who was unpacking his suitcase slowly. Niall: He gets food for you whenever you ask. Hows my baby tonight? he whispered, fingers reaching to your swollen stomach, where he admired the big bump. A Horan baby! You could hear his sniffles over the phone, making you break down and hold your stomach, hoping that the tiny thing you called baby, would keep you together. Im sorry, he whispered, tears on his cheeks when he pressed you against the hallway wall, hand on your belly and foreheads against each other. Forget about the interview. Harry: "C'mere gorgeous." When he pulls away you see all of the boys staring at you, and you immediately feel awkward, but you know they understand. You know, like, that it got all the way" your train of thought ended. Harry noticed you first, smiling sleepily before nudging Niall who turned his head to see you, huge smile spreading to his face. Still smiling, you reached your hand to his face. You wanted to be in control this time. "Will you guys please get a damn room?" Yare my lil buddy, Niall cooed, brushing his nose over your skin, making you giggle. You ran your thumbs over his eyebrows, smiling to his absolute perfectness. "I'm sorry for being a complete ass last night. Your parents would have never allowed it. Now, everything had changed. . I said nothings wrong, get the fuck out, he yelled, making you flinch. His long fingers traced patterns to your skin, tattooed arms gently holding you. One Direction Preferences/Imagines. "Fine". He tilted his head a little more to the right to deepen the kiss. Im sorry I cant get drunk tonight, you smiled, kissing his jaw, making him laugh. You could feel his hands on your belly while he sat next to it, kissing it once in a while, Yeh? His hands were glued to the spot where you had felt the kick. You could feel your heart beating when you saw the doors opening and five tired lads walked in. His strong, tattooed arms pressed your stomach lightly, afraid that he would lose the grip and let you go. One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ) 78.4K 561 20 by 0hitsmyharold Zayn: You lied on the couch, feet propped up to Zayn's lap when he rubbed them in comfortable silence. You smiled to his utter happiness when you placed his hands to the spot where your baby was kicking. You pull away and look into his blue eyes, hoping he had felt the same thing you had. A baby! Usually he greeted you with hugs and kisses, not letting you go before either boys or your bladder protested. A baby! White eyelids closed and lips in a small smile. Belly Button Kiss. I miss you too kitten, he sighed lowly, making your heart break slowly. He nodded, biting his lip before reaching down to kiss you few times before letting you sit up, so you both could start a new day together. You had agreed to take three days break, even when it broke both of your hearts. An odd feeling settled in your belly, making you a little sad. You could smell the alcohol on his breath. Harry, laugh, you said, after thinking few minutes. You waved at him and he waved back blowing a kiss to you. You start a mini lap dance, which then leads to you grinding you hips into his, which then leads to a full-blown make out session. Liam's eyes grow wide and he nods quickly, because he knows what is about to happen. Like every morning, his cold hands found your belly. . The house was empty; Louis was at rehearsals, leaving you alone with your baby bump. Now say sorry." Yeah, you answered, still pissed off to his behavior. His brown eyes locked on yours when he reached one last kiss on your waiting lips. But I wanna go with ya princess, he whined like a small kid, making you bite your lip so you wouldnt yell him. iphone mail sortieren nach absender. He wanted to feel you on his arms, make sure that you were there, safe and well. . What will we sing next? Im not going to break up with you if you dont want me to, you whispered, looking at his relieved smile. You glared at him playfully, before putting a hand to your belly, rubbing it at the same spot he had, Same to you young man, no playing with mommy, okay., Harry:I miss you, you said, keeping the phone on your ear, thinking about the curly haired guy who happened to be your husband and also across the world. Was that you? Liam whispered to the baby, eyes wide and mouth hanging open when he held his hand on the spot where he felt the hiccup. You had been sick lately, feeling awful and disguised, but Louis still thought it would be a good idea to put you in a small tour bus. 4: He says I love you for the first time. Hi love, what are you doing to him, hes kicking my kidneys out, you chuckled, making him giggle before kissing your lips gently. You blushed in the middle of the stage. Yeah, you got me pregnant Tomlinson,and Im not allowed to fly and I get sick all the time what is not working in a small bus with one toilet, you yelled, now bit softly, but tears still on your cheeks. Reaching over, you roll your eyes as you read the text, 'Can't w8 for tonight gonna b great craic! You whip around, straddling him in his seat. Zayn! you yelled angrily, trying to get him notice how serious you were. Louis adds to his comment, "Yeah! Knowing you were alone, you kissed him back. You have always had a crush on Liam, but no one but Niall knows about it. Deeply inhaling you let your eyes travel in the room around you. He is going to try and tickle you. You kept your eyes close, feeling how he sat up, stretching his tattooed arms and rubbing the sleep away his blue, beautiful eyes. You loved the feeling when you watched him, heart filling with love and desire. You flip the boys off over you shoulder, and reach up to peck Harry on the lips. You smiled, resting your lips on the spot right under his nipples while you slide your pointing finger across his chest tattoo, making sure to make every letter perfect, like you were writing them. He turned around, flashing you a gentle smile, what reached all the way to his brown eyes. A BABY Y/N! Nothing, you answered, smiling even bigger, feeling his hands right above your babys feet, Absolutely nothing., Louis:Drifting off your sleep, you could feel Louis body moving next to you. ), One Direction ( apologizes after a fight ), One Direction ( his thoughts during your pregnancy ), One Direction ( you and your kid(s) suprise him when he's on tour ), One Direction ( your child is seriously ill ), One Direction ( you tel him you're pregnant ), One Direction ( He thinks you're lying, but you're not ), 1D ( you name your kid after his mom/dad ), 1D ( he has an accident and you go tot see him to the hospital ), 1D ( he meets your baby for the very first time ), One Direction ( little things you cheer up your sexlife ), A SONG YOU SING TOGETHER (ONE DIRECTION PREFERENCES).