5329. (c)This section establishes minimum standards for the prescription, administration and dispensation of controlled substances by a CRNP. (iv)Providing proof of the timely request for verification of licensure referenced in paragraph (3)(i). (3)Provides rules and regulations for the conduct of licensees. policies shall be in existence for the replacement of equipment, furnishings, and supplies. The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: 658). (iii)Examining or touching the body of a patient except in the appropriate performance of the LDNs practice. The provisions of this 21.332 issued under sections 2.1(k) and 8.1(c) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. 6196. 2829. The Board may grant the exemption if it finds that completion of the training or continuing education requirement is duplicative or unnecessary under the circumstances. (2)A registered nurse who has not completed a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education shall make up the deficiency within 6 months of receiving notice of the deficiency. 2673; amended August 20, 2010, effective August 21, 2010, 40 Pa.B. The Board will base educational equivalency upon an evaluation administered by a Board-approved foreign credentials evaluator. The provisions of this 21.34 amended under sections 2.1(k) and 6.1 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (a)A clear statement of philosophy and purposes of the baccalaureate nursing program, consistent with the philosophy and purposes of the controlling institution, shall be formulated and adopted. Sign up to receive PSNAs Legislative Action Alerts. An applicant for certification shall hold a current, unrestricted license as a professional nurse in this Commonwealth. (5)Professional role content. 4730. An applicant for initial certification by endorsement shall have completed at least 3 hours of approved training in child abuse recognition and reporting in accordance with 21.508(a) as a condition of certification. Appropriate counseling shall be given to the patient regarding the condition diagnosed and the controlled substance prescribed, administered or dispensed. (a)The curriculum shall be designed to meet the stated objectives of the program. (5)A statement of the curriculum, based on sound educational concepts, and including detailed course descriptions, objectives and descriptions of the relevant clinical practice related to the specialty area. (a)A CRNP with prescriptive authority approval may, when acting in collaboration with a physician as set forth in a prescriptive authority collaborative agreement and within the CRNPs specialty, prescribe and dispense drugs and give written or oral orders for drugs and other medical therapeutic or corrective measures. (f)Full-time faculty of the nursing program may not carry responsibilities for administration, curriculum development or teaching for other types of educational programs, nor may the nursing faculty be responsible for student health services or first aid. The provisions of this 21.364 adopted June 2, 2006, effective June 3, 2006, 36 Pa.B. 7822. (c)A nurse who attempts to raise as a defense an argument that conduct prohibited as a sexual violation or sexual impropriety was necessary or appropriate to the treatment of a patient shall be required to demonstrate competency in practice which relates directly to the treatment of sexual function or dysfunction. (b)A student who meets the description in subsection (a) and who also desires to practice as a registered nurse while participating in the training program shall submit an application for licensure by endorsement and obtain a temporary practice permit as provided by 21.28 (relating to licensure by endorsement). (ii)Learn to plan and give nursing care to selected individuals in various nursing situations that are relatively free of complexity. 2677. According to the PSBN, NPs' areas of expertise include "the execution of advanced nursing . (3)The agreement between the school of nursing and the cooperating agency shall be developed jointly, recorded in writing, reviewed periodically by both parties, revised as occasion requires and consistently adhered to by those responsible for implementing the provisions. (3)For publication of a textbook or article, the registered nurse shall retain a copy of the published item, including the date of publication. (2)Observation and reporting of subjective and objective signs of adverse reactions to any IV administration and initiation of appropriate interventions. This section cited in 49 Pa. Code 21.825 (relating to sources of continuing education). The nurse practice act covers a wide range of topics to establish a safe, consistent level of care in that state. The applicant shall be exempt from payment of the biennial renewal fee of 21.5, 21.147 or 21.253 (relating to fees), as applicable. The number and size of classrooms shall be determined by the maximum student enrollment. The provisions of this 21.153 amended under section 506 of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (385245). (a)Licensed dietitian-nutritionists shall: (1)Conduct themselves with honesty, integrity and fairness. Additionally, under 23 Pa.C.S. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (261719) to (261720). Professional relationshipThe relationship which shall be deemed to exist for a period of time beginning with the first professional contact or consultation between a licensed practical nurse and a patient and ending with the final professional contact between them. Patient (includes residents and clients)A person, other than a spouse or immediate family member, who receives professional services from a registered nurse, regardless of whether the nurse receives remuneration for the services. 42.21c); and sections 810(a)(3) and (7) and 812.1(a) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 52 Pa.B. (2)Respect and consider, while providing nursing care, the individuals right to freedom from psychological and physical abuse. 2829; amended April 24, 2009, effective April 25, 2009, 39 Pa.B. Chapter 63 (relating to Child Protective Services Law), the Older Adults Protective Services Act (35 P.S. (f)Applicants shall submit additional information as identified on the application or as requested by the Board. Pennsylvania is one of 28 states that has not expanded the scope of practice in its licensure laws for certified registered nurse practitioners (NPs), who must maintain formal collaborative agreements with physicians to practice. (d)As a condition of biennial renewal, a CNS shall complete a minimum of 30 hours of Board-approved continuing education, in the 2 years prior to renewal as required under section 8.5(c)(2) of the act (63 P.S. The provisions of this 21.155 amended July 1, 1983, effective July 2, 1983, 13 Pa.B. (5)Safeguard the patients dignity, the right to privacy and the confidentiality of patient information and make full disclosure about any limitations on the LDNs abilities to guarantee full confidentiality. This section cited in 49 Pa. Code 21.705 (relating to fees); and 49 Pa. Code 21.723 (relating to license renewal). The provisions of this 21.372 issued under sections 6.1 and 8.1 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (2)Full. 216(b)(1)(4)), which include: (2)Receipt of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a Board-approved program or equivalent program as set forth in section 5(b) and (c) of the act (63 P.S. (f)The learning experiences and methods of instruction shall provide opportunity for fulfilling the purposes of the educational unit in nursing and the objectives of the program. This section cited in 49 Pa. Code 21.414 (relating to interpretations regarding the functions of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)statement of policy). Clinical hours must meet at least National certification requirements with a minimum of 500. 222.1(k)); section 17.6 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. changes effective through 52 Pa.B. Oral orderA spoken order issued by a practitioner authorized by law and by facility policy to issue orders for medical and therapeutic measures. 6994. The provisions of this 21.125 adopted October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. (c)Graduates of practical nursing education programs outside of this Commonwealth shall file an official transcript validating program completion with the application. 2677; amended March 20, 1981, effective March 21, 1981, 11 Pa.B. 667.6); amended under sections 8.1 and 11.2 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. -Remember that nursing licensure is a privilege and not a right. (j)Course outlines shall include specific behavioral objectives anticipated and shall contribute to the objectives of the total curriculum. The provisions of this 21.18a issued under section 2.1(k) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (2)Verify completion of a minimum of 30 hours of Board-approved continuing education in the 2 years prior to renewal, including at least 2 hours of approved training in child abuse recognition and reporting in accordance with 21.508(b) (relating to child abuse recognition and reportingmandatory training requirement). (ii)The purpose of this content is to provide the graduate with the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose and manage (including the prescription of pharmacologic agents) a patients common health problems in a safe, high quality, manner. The provisions of this 21.374 issued under sections 6.1 and 8.1 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (a)A registered nurse whose license has lapsed for 5 years or longer or has been placed on inactive status for 5 years or longer, as permitted in section 11(b) of the act (63 P.S. (e)Committee reports and faculty actions shall be recorded, filed systematically and kept available for reference. Represent the Board at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Delegate Assembly as a voting delegate, certain professional and/or community functions, and regional or national meetings, or shall designate a member or the Executive Director to represent the Board; (4)Proposed curriculum including detailed course descriptions and identification of clinical areas of practice. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (209967). (n)Course syllabi that identify all aspects of each course shall be developed and readily available. National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (7)Record system in operation which will assist in the evaluation of the educational program. standardize the nursing delegation process based on research findings and evidence in the literature and is applicable to all levels of nursing licensure (advanced practice registered nurse [APRN], registered nurse [RN], licensed practical/vocational nurse [LPN/VN]) where the nurse practice act (NPA) is silent. The role of an RN (registered nurse) in an assisted living facility may vary. The provisions of this 21.131 issued under sections 2.1(k) and 12.1 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (9)The changing of an outer tracheostomy tube after stoma is healed. 1984); reversed in part 499 A.2d 289 (Pa. 1995); on remand 505 A.2d 359 (Pa. Cmwlth. Section 2 of the act of May 22, 1951 (P.L.317, No.69), known as The Professional Nursing Law, is amended by adding a definition to read: Section 2. (a)This subchapter implements the Volunteer Health Services Act (35 P.S. 6196. The provisions of this 21.26 amended October 22, 1976, effective October 23, 1976, 6 Pa.B. The temporary practice permit will expire in 1 year, unless the individual fails the licensure examination, in which case the temporary practice permit will immediately expire. (d)A professional nurse may not practice or offer to practice as a CRNP in a specialty in this Commonwealth during the time the professional nurses certification in that specialty or the professional nurses RN license is inactive, lapsed or expired. (a)As a condition of approval, providers and credentialing organizations are required to provide CRNPs who complete continuing education courses with a certificate of completion which contains the information listed in 21.337(a) (relating to CRNP responsiblities). Step-by-step explanation. (3)Faculty members shall maintain currency in clinical practice through ongoing clinical practice. (d)Policies for selection, appointment and promotion of faculty shall be defined in writing. 5484. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335546). The provisions of this 21.508 added under section 2.1(k) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (e)The faculty shall formulate policies which relate to the operation of the program. (12)Accept or receive, or both, remuneration for making or accepting referrals. 2829; amended March 22, 1991, effective March 23, 1991, 21 Pa.B. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (352041) to (352042). (7)Knowingly abandon a patient in need of nursing care. The provisions of this 21.812 amended under section 2.1(k) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. 211(k) and 218.1(c)). 2063; amended October 18, 1985, effective October 19, 1985, 15 Pa.B. 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent assault). 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault). (c)Board audits; proof of completion. 6196. (a)Students shall have access to personal records as defined by Federal and State legislation. Signed into law May 21, 2013: Act 16 of 2016. (7)Needle aspiration of pneumothorax in infant intensive care unit. (a)Approved programs must complete an annual report to the Board on a form provided by the Board. The provisions of this 21.363 adopted June 2, 2006, effective June 3, 2006, 36 Pa.B. An official website of the State of Maryland. 3040; amended November 17, 2000, effective November 18, 2000, 30 Pa.B. PerpetratorA person who has committed child abuse as defined in this section. Titration of IV medicationsA process by which medication is administered and dosages are adjusted through a continuous medication-containing intravenous infusion (such as vasoactive drugs, anticoagulants, psychotropic drugs, neuromuscular drugs, hormones, and the like) to effect a desired state based upon patient assessment data and prescribed parameters. (b)Facilities and resources of the school shall include the following: (1)Offices and administrative and instructional personnel provided with appropriate and adequate space and equipment essential for attainment of the objectives of the program. 2667. The provisions of this 21.27 reserved under section 2.1(k) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (2)The LPN may accept an oral order if the following conditions are met: (i)The practitioner issuing the oral order is authorized by law and by facility policy to issue oral orders for medical and therapeutic measures. The self-evaluative process must include: (i)Peer evaluation of teacher effectiveness. Graduate practical nurseAn individual who has graduated from an approved program of practical nursing in this Commonwealth or a comparable program in another state. 1439; amended December 16, 2016, effective December 17, 2016, 46 Pa.B. 279(a)(3) and (7) and 279.3a); sections 13.1 and 17.5 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. (4)Analysis of rhythm strips of patients with permanent programmable pacemakers. The provisions of this 21.14 amended under section 2.1(k) of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (a)A controlling agency may be a hospital, educational institution or combination thereof. If requesting an extension due to illness, the applicant shall provide certification of the illness from the applicants treating physician. Under 23 Pa.C.S. (c)Falsification of information required under this section or failure to complete the continuing education requirements by those who continue to practice as CNSs may result in the institution of formal disciplinary action under section 14(a)(3) of the act (63 P.S. (6)Program bulletin and any other pertinent information. (ii)The patients care needs surpass the LPNs knowledge, skill or ability. (g)If a nurse executes a practice which the Board has interpreted to be within the scope of nursing practice, the nurse shall only undertake the practice if the nurse has the necessary preparation, experience and knowledge to properly execute the practice. This section cited in 49 Pa. Code 21.723 (relating to license renewal). (7)Falsify or knowingly make incorrect entries into the patients record or other related documents. Initial certificationThe first certification or licensure as a nurse practitioner that an individual receives in any jurisdiction. If faculty are providing onsite preceptorship, the maximum ratio is two students per faculty member. 212.1(k)); and section 17.6 of the Practical Nurse Law (63 P.S. If a CRNP specifically indicates that the name of the drug may not appear on the label, the recognized National drug code number shall be placed on the label if the number is available for the product. 1916. (iii)The course work must provide graduates with the knowledge and skills to: (A)Comprehend the pharmacotherapeutics of broad categories of drugs. 2667. 2677; amended September 16, 1983, effective September 17, 1983, 13 Pa.B. 2667. 212.1(k) and 222(a)). The provisions of this 21.376 issued under sections 6.1 and 8.1 of The Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. 521; amended September 16, 1983, effective September 17, 1983, 13 Pa.B. (ii)Remitting the fee specified in 21.5. ActThe Professional Nursing Law (63 P.S. (b)The curriculum shall be organized and developed to include the knowledge, attitudes, skills and abilities necessary for the specific levels of student achievement. The Board will hold a hearing, within 30 days of the submission of documentation, at which the program official may appear and present additional evidence to show cause as to why approval should not be withdrawn. (relating to inactive status and reactivation); and 49 Pa. Code 21.602 (relating to volunteer license). Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (30258) to (30259).